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Pink Gradient

Helping Women Choose What Is Good

Women come through our doors with far greater burdens than physical luggage. Learning to lay down our burdens and where to lay them is much more challenging than it sounds. In many ways, we desperately cling to our burdens because it gives us some semblance of control. Control over our pasts, our trauma, our guilt, our shame, and the identities we have carefully manufactured out of self-preservation and pride. These burdens are ugly and we don’t want people to see. The last thing we want to hear coming out of the mire is that our pride helped get us there. But addiction is one of the most pride saturated lifestyles of all. It requires total abandon of anything apart from pleasing self. Our culture teaches that we should never need help and that it is a sign of weakness. But the bible teaches that in our weakness we are strong (2COR12:10) and that the strength of Christ is made perfect in our weakness (2COR12:9). Therefore, we are free to boast all the more gladly about our total inability desperate need for Him. Every person shares this need, no matter their background, upbringing, or current state of affairs. Even in the structure of our program, it is natural to become distracted by our worries and muddled priorities. We forget all together that we are instruments in the sovereign unfolding of Christ’s redemptive plan and that focusing on anything other than that is like dining on an entrée of deception. Casting our cares at the foot of God seems like a simple solution, but it requires us to let go of the very lies we have built our lives on: the lies that control and self-exaltation are the pathways to peace and joy. But the truth is found in trust and humility. For what is required of us but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God? (Micah 6:8) We see this illustrated perfectly in Luke10:38-42. A woman named Martha invites Jesus into her house where it says she becomes distracted by serving. In her self-exaltation, her anxiety and worry keeps her from focusing on the only thing that matters. Her sister Mary, on the other hand, chose to sit and listen to the Lord teach. When comparing the two, He says that Mary has chosen the good portion and that it will not be taken from her. It is through the truth of God’s word that we find peace and joy everlasting. Our discipleship curriculum is aimed at building a relationship with Jesus Christ, which fosters the trust and humility required to let go of self and honor Christ. Because only in Him are we able to choose what is good.



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